Friday, July 1, 2016

The Pickling Process of Parenting: I can do it myself!

“The wise in heart are called prudent, understanding, and knowing, and winsome speech increases learning [in both speaker and listener].”Proverbs 16:21


My name is Lori, I am a daughter of the King, a Pastors wife, and the mother of three beautiful children. This monthly devotional looks to bring godly insight and humor to the everyday moments we experience as parents. It highlights the countless ways God speaks, and ministers to us through the joys and trials of parenthood.  
I invite you to become a part of the everyday antics of our family’s life. As you join us you’re sure to find yourselves in the midst of many of the familiar delights, and countless mini catastrophes that come along with child rearing. Each devotional you read will be set along-side Scripture to aid in self- reflection and spiritual growth. 
As you read along with us each month, you may begin to discover that our children’s outward actions often reflect many of our inward thoughts.  This unique perspective enables us to take an honest look at ourselves, and it even puts us in a position to be pickled through the process of parenthood. So come and join us as God reveals the little child in each of us, and our ever present need for His love and wisdom.

July 2016
I can do it myself!

“The way of fools seems right to them, 
   but the wise listen to advice.”  Proverbs 12:15

Isabella screamed and ran for her life! Spectators may have been left wondering if the tiny pants I held in my hands were laced with something horrific. In reality, I was trying to assist my 2 year old in getting dressed after she spouted the infamous words, “I can do it myself!” With a sigh, I conceded, and relinquished control of the tiny trousers. She then enthusiastically danced into those pants that were, until a moment ago, so vile that one may have wondered if Satan himself would dare to have worn them. 
Next she snatched up her shirt, and the battle ensued as she struggled to get her head through the top of the garment. Alas, she persevered and victory was hers! She beamed up at me with a triumphant ‘I told you so’ grin. I smiled, and laughed to myself as she walked away with her pants on backwards, shirt inside out, hair standing on end and one sock barely laying claim to her left foot.  
As I took the moment in, I heard my Father chuckle and say, you know you do that to Me, don’t you? You yourself have often thrown that line at Me… I can do it myself”!  Overallwhen we don’t consult Him first we may find ourselves looking kind of foolish. Sometimes we think we have it all under control, we think things look pretty good according to our standards. Yet if we were to ask God, chances are He’d have had us done things a little differently. While we may be oblivious to how ridiculous our actions, choices and stubborn will may be at times, I assure you God is not. If we would stop, and take the time to ask Him to show us the ‘how to’s of life’ we would likely find ourselves delivered from many of life’s embarrassing little mix-ups.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Pickling Process of Parenting: The Abundant Life

“The wise in heart are called prudent, understanding, and knowing, and winsome speech increases learning [in both speaker and listener].”Proverbs 16:21


My name is Lori, I am a daughter of the King, a Pastors wife, and the mother of three beautiful children. This monthly devotional looks to bring godly insight and humor to the everyday moments we experience as parents. It highlights the countless ways God speaks, and ministers to us through the joys and trials of parenthood.  
I invite you to become a part of the everyday antics of our family’s life. As you join us you’re sure to find yourselves in the midst of many of the familiar delights, and countless mini catastrophes that come along with child rearing. Each devotional you read will be set along-side Scripture to aid in self- reflection and spiritual growth. 
As you read along with us each month, you may begin to discover that our children’s outward actions often reflect many of our inward thoughts.  This unique perspective enables us to take an honest look at ourselves, and it even puts us in a position to be pickled through the process of parenthood. So come and join us as God reveals the little child in each of us, and our ever present need for His love and wisdom.

June 2016
The Abundant Life
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  John 10:10

When Isabella was potty-training she would often forget to flush the toilet when she finished up. Her brother, who was only 14 months old found this to be a delightful opportunity. After all, he had a fixation with water whether it was from the tub, toilet or dog dish. He seemed able to detect these ‘toilet lid’ occurrences with a flawless radar system.  With the skills of a navy seal he would silently make his way to that gleaming white basin that beckoned to him. Ahhh, what a serendipitous moment it was as he gleefully gazed down at that pool of water with wonder. I suppose, in his eyes it would seem that the tub and toilet were practically next of kin; perhaps that’s why he chose to shower himself with its contents. 
Needless to say, his zeal led to a serious scrub down for everyone involved. As I sat down later that night the mishap began to replay in my mind. It was then I heard the Lords still small voice laugh and say, “You know you’re not all that sanitary either. In fact, I’ve found you bathing in the toilet water of life on more than one occasion”. You see the enemy often tries to come in and cover us with the filth of his lies in order that he might steal our health, kill our sense of value and destroy our witness of Him. Yet the enemy only succeeds in this when we choose his swamp full of lies over the refreshing, pristine, wellspring of God’s word. Overall, today may be a good day to flush the toilet, and take a refreshing shower in God’s love, mercy, and grace.